Personalized. Customized. Innovative.



We all wish we could have  had the knowledge and support of a coach during our first year of teaching.

Why not have one tailored to your needs?

Our Teacher Coaching Strategy

Once you schedule a meeting, you will receive live instruction on instruction, planning, or anything else you need or want help with. If you like working with us, continue the ongoing development coaching throughout the school year and beyond.


Find a Time that Works for You

  • If we have an open date and time – It’s yours.  You will receive a zoom link to sign up for live coaching.
  • You may be asked some questions prior so that we can plan to help maximize your experience and success as a teacher.


You set the Agenda

  • The time is for you, so it doesn’t matter if you have a pressing issue, need advice about a lesson, or general school-based questions.  Our experience is there for you.
  • Some example topics in our more formal library or skills:
    • Create an Individualized Instructional Model, based on your strengths and skill set.
    • Learn how to create a year-long instructional plan for your classroom curriculum
    • Understand the components of our master teacher playbook design
    • Use our playbooks to personalize your instructional planning to your strengths
    • Set personalized learning goals for each quarter
    • How to create a differentiate classroom from the foundation on up
    • Learn how to use a Delayed Homework Model to maximize learning and improve grades


Year-Long Support and Beyond

  • If you had a great experience, come sign up again.  We will be here.
  • It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if the time. works for you. Book It!
  • These can we used as half hour check ins, hour-long deep dives, preparation for a formal observation, reviews of unit plans you have send us, feedback on a video lesson snippet, or pretty much whatever is needed to meet your personal goals.

Fair Play Model and Pricing Quotes


We create a customized pricing proposal that works for you. Most things in life are negotiable.  Access to quality instructional support should not be exclusive.  We are open to conversations about what is fair for each person or group. But in short, just pay what you can and what you think we are worth.



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